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Sound: Informs, Harms, Heals 2019
Monograph of Polish Acoustical Society Department of Krakow

redaktor naukowy
nauki techniczne » akustyka
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The Krakow Division of the Polish Acoustic Society regularly organizes the Acoustic and Biomedical Engineering Conference. The conference is held under the patronage of the Committee on Acoustics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In 2019, it was already the 23rd conference. As part of the conference sessions, participants exchange experiences, results of their scientific and teaching activities, as well as search for new areas of scientific interest. The subject of the conference covers widely understood issues related to acoustic engineering, vibroacoustics in technology and the environment, active methods of reducing vibrations and structural sounds, numerical methods in acoustics, metrology and vibroacoustic diagnostics, as well as architectural acoustics, eco-acoustics and hydroacoustics. In the biomedical engineering sessions we talk about physical methods in medicine, speech acoustics and psychoacoustics, hearing acoustics, audiology, infrasound and low frequency vibrations.

Oddział Krakowski Polskiego Towarzystwa Akustycznego jest organizatorem cyklicznych konferencji Akustyka i Inżynieria Biomedyczna. Konferencja odbywa się pod patronatem Komitetu Akustyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk. W 2019 roku była to już 23. konferencja. W ramach sesji konferencyjnych uczestnicy wymieniają się doświadczeniami, wynikami swojej działalności naukowej i dydaktycznej, a także poszukują nowych obszarów zainteresowań naukowych. Tematyka konferencji obejmuje szeroko pojęte zagadnienia związane z inżynierią akustyczną, wibroakustyką w technice i środowisku, aktywnymi metodami redukcji drgań i dźwięków strukturalnych, metodami numerycznymi w akustyce, metrologią i diagnostyką wibroakustyczną, a także akustyką architektoniczną, ekoakustyką i hydroakustyką. W sesjach z zakresu inżynierii biomedycznej omawiane są metody fizyczne w medycynie, akustyce mowy i psychoakustyce, akustyce słuchu, audiologii, infradźwiękach i drganiach niskoczęstotliwościowych.

Spis treści

Preface 7
Chapter 1. Modal Synthesis of the Sound of a Rattle 9
1.1. Introduction and the Object of the Research 9
1.2. Historical Background 11
1.3. Sound of Virtual Musical Instruments 14
1.4. First Step of a Numerical Reconstruction – Modal Analysis of a Rattle 14
1.5. Second Step of a Numerical Reconstruction – Sound Synthesis of a Rattle 20
1.6. Concluding remarks 21
Bibliography 22

Chapter 2. The Studies on Sound Absorption of Perforated Panels 24
2.1. Introduction 24
2.2. Experimental Setup 27
2.3. Results and Discussion 29
2.3.1. Absorption Coefficient 29
2.3.2. Vibroacoustic Interaction 32
2.4. Conclusions 34
Bibliography 35

Chapter 3. Diagnosis of the Drive System with the Usage of Vibrothermography Technologies 37
3.1. Introduction 37
3.2. Usage of Thermovision in Diagnostic of Gears 38
3.3. Laboratory Examinations 40
3.4. Analysis of RMS Value of Vibration Acceleration 43
3.5. Analysis of Infrared Diagnostic 45
3.6. Conclusions 49
Bibliography 49

Chapter 4. Scalable Finite Element Solver Implementation for Linearised Euler Equations 52
4.1. Introduction 52
4.2. Linearised Euler Equations 53
4.2.1. Variational Formulation 54
4.2.2. Boundary Conditions 55
4.3. Numerical Workflow 57
4.3.1. Finite Element Method in FEniCS 57
4.3.2. Discretisation in Time 57
4.4. Simulations 58
4.5. Results and Discussion 59
4.6. Conclusions 64
Acknowledgements 64
Bibliography 64

Chapter 5. Music That Wasn’t There? Milestones and Minor Setbacks in Early Blues and Jazz Phonography 67
5.1. Phonograph vs Turntable: The Era of Acoustic Phonography 67
5.2. Loud – Louder – Jazz! 69
5.3. Microphone Revolution: “Electric” Recording 73
5.4. Is It Really Blues? From Stylisation to Musical Roots 74
5.5. Three and a Half Minutes: Capacity of Sound Carriers 75
5.6. Absolute Audio Memory: Field Recordings and Bootlegs 76
5.7. Sculpting Sound: Tapes and Tape Recorders 77
5.8. Conclusion 78
Bibliography 80

Chapter 6. Analytical and Numerical Study of Spatial Irregularity of Sound Field in Coupled Rooms 82
6.1. Introduction 82
6.2. Theoretical Analysis 83
6.2.1. Low-Frequency Room Response 83
6.2.2. Quantification of Spatial Irregularity of Sound Pressure Field 85
6.3. Numerical Study 87
6.3.1. Room System under Consideration 87
6.3.2. Eigenfunctions and Eigenfrequencies 87
6.3.3. Modal Density 90
6.3.4. Mean Spatial Deviation of Sound Pressure Level 92
6.4. Summary and Conclusions 95
Acknowledgments 96
Bibliography 96

Chapter 7. Analysis of Vibroacoustic Interactions in Workplaces of a Large Machine in an Industrial Hall 98
7.1. Introduction 98
7.2. Case Study of the Furnace for Glass Hardening 99
7.3. Measurements of Noise and Vibrations 100
7.4. Noise at Workplaces 101
7.5. Vibrations on Operators’ Workplaces 103
7.6. Analysis of Measurements and Results Discussion 104
7.7. Summary 106
Acknowledgments 106
Bibliography 106

Chapter 8. Ear Training Aimed at Pitch Intonation and Tuning Systems: Problems and Solutions 108
8.1. Introduction 108
8.2. Precise Pitch-Tuning in Ear Training 109
8.2.1. Considerations on the Choice of Tools 111
8.3. Generator 112
8.3.1. Synthesizers 112
8.3.2. Tested Sounds 114
8.3.3. Test of Pitch Control Capability 115
8.3.4. Test Results 116
8.4. Detector 118
8.4.1. PureData Pitch Estimator 118
8.4.2. Test of Pitch Estimation Capability 118
8.4.3. Test Results 119
Conclusions 120
Bibliography 120

Chapter 9. On the Modelling of the Aeroacoustics Phenomena Generated by Axial Fan 122
9.1. Modelling of Turbulent Flows 122
9.2. Acoustic Model 123
9.3. The Object of the Study 125
9.4. Numerical Calculations and Results 126
9.5. Summary 130
Bibliography 131

Chapter 10. The Usage of Various String Plucking Mechanisms to Simulate a Human Playing the Guitar 132
10.1. Introduction 132
10.2. Upper Limb Mechanics 133
10.3. Robots Configuration 136
10.4. Research Stand and Methodology 139
10.5. Results 140
10.6. Conclusions 144
Bibliography 145

Chapter 11. Acoustic Analysis of the Internal Combustion Engine Depending on the Type of Fuel Supply and Engine Load 146
Introduction 146
11.2. Plan of the Experiment 147
11.3. Conclusions 154
Acknowledgements 155
Bibliography 155


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