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Research on the Physicochemical Properties of Non-Ideal Explosives Based on Various Types of Ammonium Nitrate(V) and Fuel Oils

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Blasting properties and explosive chemistry have been widely described in various books and articles. Nevertheless, the subject of the composition of non-ideal explosives is one of the most crucial in terms of obtaining new explosive materials whose properties may be shaped in the desired manner. The aim of this monograph was to present an extensive study in the field of the morphology of the two possible oxidation agents in terms of the production of non-ideal explosives, the potential applications of various fuel oils, with an emphasis on re-use oils, as well as the blasting properties (velocity of detonation, explosive energy, and post-shoot oxides) of the non-ideal compositions obtained. Based on the obtained results, the author is certain that this paper provides quality data for fellow researchers, students, producers of explosives, and all other people working with explosives.

Właściwości materiałów wybuchowych zostały szeroko opisane w różnych książkach i artykułach. Niemniej jednak temat składu nieidealnych materiałów wybuchowych jest jedną z najbardziej kluczowych kwestii dla otrzymywania nowych materiałów wybuchowych, których właściwości można kształtować w pożądany sposób. Celem niniejszej monografii było przedstawienie obszernych studiów w zakresie morfologii dwóch możliwych utleniaczy w aspekcie wytwarzania nieidelanych materiałów wybuchowych, potencjalnych zastosowań różnych olejów opałowych, z naciskiem na oleje wielokrotnego użytku, a także właściwości strzałowych (prędkość detonacji, energia wybuchu) uzyskanych nieidealnych materiałów wybuchowych. 

Spis treści

Preface 5
1. Ammonium nitrate(V)1 7
1.1. Ammonium nitrate(V) manufacture 13
1.1.1. Neutralization 15
1.1.2. The Carnit ammonium nitrate(V) process 17
1.1.3. The UCB process 18
1.1.4. The Stamicarbon process 19
1.1.5. The Norsk Hydro Process 20
1.1.6. The Stengel process 21
1.1.7. The nitro-top process 21
1.2. Evaporation 22
1.3. Prilling 23
1.4. Granulation 24
1.5. Fuel 25
1.6. Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil 28
2. Methodology and materials 35
2.1. Materials 35
2.2. Sample preparation 37
2.3. Methodology 39
2.3.1. Examination of the low temperature properties of fuel oil 39
2.3.2. Examination of AN and ANFO morphology 41
2.3.3. Examination of the blasting properties of non-ideal explosives 42
3. Results 46
3.1. Elemental analysis of fuel oils 46
3.2. Low temperature properties of fuel oil 47
4. IR analysis 53
4.1. Results of IR analysis of ammonium nitrate(V) fertilizer grade 53
4.2. Results of IR analysis of ammonium nitrate(V) porous prill 54
4.3. Results of IR analysis of fuel oils 54
4.4. Results of IR analysis of ANFO based on AN-F 57
4.5. Results of IR analysis of ANFO based on AN-PP 58
4.6. Results of IR analysis of AN-PP : AN-F mixture with fuel oil 59
4.7. Results of IR analysis of ANFO with metal addition 61
4.8. IR conclusions 62
5. XRD analysis 64
5.1. Results of XRD analysis of AN-F and ANFO based on AN-F 64
5.2. Results of XRD analysis of AN-PP and ANFO based on AN-PP 66
5.3. Results of XRD analysis of AN-PP : AN-F mixture and ANFO based on AN-PP : AN-F mixture 69
5.4. Results of XRD analysis of ANFO with a metal addition 69
6. SEM analysis 72
6.1. Results of the EDS analysis of fuel samples P6-1–P6-5 72
6.2. Results of SEM analysis of ammonium nitrate(V) fertilizer-grade granule 74
6.3. Results of SEM analysis of ANFO based on AN-F granule 78
6.4. Results of SEM analysis of AN-PP prill 80
6.5. Results of SEM analysis of ANFO based on AN-PP 83
6.6. Results of SEM analysis of ANFO based on various fuel oils 85
6.7. Results of SEM analysis of ANFO based on AN-PP : AN-F mixture 96
6.8. Results of SEM analysis of ANFO with metal addition 101
7. Blasting properties of non-ideal explosives 105
7.1. Heat of explosion results  105
7.2. Velocity of detonation 109
7.3. Post-blast fumes 111
8. Conclusions 115
References 119
List of internet sources 126

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