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Paulina A. Kopera, Henryk Sechman, Anna Twaróg
Gases in the near-surface zone of the reclaimed Barycz municipal waste landfill – a case study from southern Poland 101Muhammad Mudasir, Anna Wysocka, Shazia Naseem
Integration of seismic and well data for a 3D model of the Balkassar anticline (Potwar sub-basin, Pakistan) 123Mariola Marszałek, Adam Gaweł
Alunogen from the sulfate efflorescence of the Stone Town Nature Reserve in Ciężkowice (the Outer Carpathian Mountains, Poland) 139Zbigniew Szczerbowski, Zbigniew Niedbalski, Łukasz Bednarek
Tectonic strain in salt rock mass based on measurements 157Duong Van Hao, Nguyen Dinh Chau, Wojciech Klityński, Władysław Zygo, Jakub Nowak
3D block modelling of the Sin Quyen IOCG deposit, North Vietnam 175Michał Ćwiklik, Bernadetta Pasierb, Sławomir Porzucek
Recognition of the flysch substrate using the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method to assess the effectiveness of the injection process 197