The monograph deals with the possibilities of using algorithms, mainly from the field of Data Mining, in the field of information processing, which is currently the most important method of acquiring knowledge. The attached CD includes programs and training materials complementing the content of selected chapters.
Monografia dotyczy możliwości wykorzystania algorytmów, głównie z zakresu Data Mining, w dziedzinie przetwarzania informacji, które jest obecnie najważniejszą metodą zdobywania wiedzy. Do opracowania dołączono płytę z programami i materiałami szkoleniowymi uzupełniającymi treści wybranych rozdziałów.
- Spis treści
Introduction 7
Preface 9
1. Least-squares method 11
1.1. Ordinary least square method 11
1.2. Linearization at the least squares method 17
1.3. Examples in Python 23
2. Principle Component Analysis 32
2.1. The main idea of PCA 32
2.2. An iteration scheme of PCA calculating 40
2.3. Examples in Python 44
2.4. Optimum transition from the RGB model to optimum three-component model 48
2.5. Fisher linear discriminant analysis 51
2.6. Multidimensional discriminant analysis (MDA) 57
3. Application of fuzzy logic in Data Mining 72
3.1. What is fuzzy thinking? 72
3.2. Fuzzy sets 73
3.3. Linguistic variables and linguistic gain 77
3.4. Operations on fuzzy sets 80
3.5. Properties of operations on fuzzy sets 83
3.6. Fuzzy inference rules 86
3.7. Defuzzification 96
3.8. The choice of alternatives using fuzzy inference rules 100
3.9. Ranking alternatives based on heuristic approach 110
3.10. Fuzzy decision trees 117
4. Soft computing in data handling 129
4.1. Introduction to soft computing 129
4.2. Evolutionary calculations 131
4.2.1. General Introduction 131
4.2.2. Genetic algorithm 133
4.2.3. Simple example of implementation of GA 136
4.2.4. Closer to reality, or the space crossover 140
4.2.5. Genetic programming 149
4.2.6. To be, or not to be... 152
4.2.7. Diophantine equation 159
4.3. Swarm intelligence 162
4.3.1. The use of ant algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem 167
5. Clustering methods 174
5.1. Clustering. General concepts 175
5.2. Hierarchical methods 178
5.2.1. Hierarchical methods. Agglomerative algorithms 178
5.2.2. Hierarchical methods. Divisive algorithms 179
5.3. Examples in Python – clustering hierarchical methods 180
5.4. Nonhierarchical algorithms 216
5.4.1. K-means method 217
5.4.2. Fuzzy k-means 220
5.4.3. Gyustafsona-Kessel’s clustering 221
5.4.4. Method of correlation galaxies 223
5.4.5. Spectral clustering method 224
5.5. Examples in Python – clustering nonhierarchical methods 228
6. Classifiers 248
6.1. Definition of the classification problem 248
6.2. Main directions of the research of the classification issue 249
6.3. Stochastic classifiers 251
6.3.1. Use of the theorem of Bayes for decision-making 251
6.4. Naive Bayesian classifier 255
6.4.1. Example of sale of the Naive Bayes classifier 258
6.4.2. EM algorithm 263
6.5. Linear discriminant analysis 271
6.5.1. Example 5.1 274
6.5.2. Example 5.2 276
6.5.3. Example 5.3 277
7. Use of genetic algorithms for creation of the vector classifiers 279
7.1. Use of Veronoi polyhedron in the problem of texts classification 282
7.2. Check of the existing classification on the correctness 284
8. Support vector machines 287
8.1. The main idea 287
8.2. SVM for linear separable set 289
8.3. SVM for nonlinear separable set 290
8.4. Example 294
9. Visualization of multidimensional data 297
9.1. Multidimensional scaling technic 297
9.2. Kohonen self-organizing maps (SOM) 299
9.2.1. Initialization of the map of Kohonen 301
9.2.2. The training algorithm 302
9.3. Examples 305
9.3.1. Showing similarity of objects 305
9.3.2. Showing similarity of European countries 306
9.3.3. The world map of poverty 308
9.3.4. The traveling salesman problem 309
10. Recommender systems 311
10.1. General structure of recommendation system 313
10.1.1. Collaborative filtering 314
10.1.2. The content-oriented recommendations 321
10.1.3. Profiles of users 322
10.1.4. Training a user model 323
10.1.5. Hybrid approaches 328
10.2. Analysis of client environments 330
10.2.1. Examples of client environments 330
10.2.2. Retail chain stores 331
10.2.3. Mobile operators 331
10.2.4. Online stores of books, audio and video of other products 331
10.2.5. Search engines 332
10.2.6. Parliamentary elections 332
10.2.7. Analysis of texts 333
10.2.8. Social networks 3336
Basic information 334
A.1. Background information on linear algebra 334
A.2. Background information on probability theory 336
References 347